HeyGears is a technically innovative company focused on 3D printing applications and digital intelligent manufacturing technology. The company was founded in Guangzhou 2015, by a talented group of young men from the School of Engineering of the U.S. Public Ivy UIUC. Since founded, HeyGears has been dedicated to providing the cutting edge digital dental solutions for dental labs in China and the U
韩国FAU的超级热门商品“保湿再生BB霜”中含有珍珠成分,能够展现光彩肌肤的新产品“珍珠高光再生BB霜”的上市成为了韩国化妆品业界热门话题。 “保湿再生BB霜”的后续产品“珍珠高光再生BB霜”维持了原有的“保湿再生BB霜”的效果,并且含有亮丽的色感和细微的珍珠珠光,可以让皮肤呈现出自然的光彩。
无论是简单的付费文字广告,还是具有深厚原创功力的各类文章,软文发布【海讯社haixunpr.com】都与传统营销中所使用的文案、广告有很大不同,具备多种特点。 一、主题集中。软文主旨不是零碎的,而是有完整主题的。即使再短的软文,也应提供独特而专一的主题。文案、广告可以是一个简单的口号,如"以取暖器为您带来春天般感受'而软文则可以围绕该取暖器的使用过程,打造出一个XX取暖器为某人带来春天般温暖的故事。
Cologne, Germany-March 12, 2019 HeyGears, one of the top innovators in the 3D printing industry unveiled its fully scalable production solution for the global dental market at the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany. HeyGears is expanding its global dental market in order to provide an end-to-end solution which meets the comprehensive needs of all dental and orthodontic labs, empow
China is a country that attaches great importance to food. The Chinese food culture has a long history. The industrious and intelligent Chinese children have developed a unique traditional Chinese food culture based on local conditions and learning from others. As an essential ingredient in daily cooking, condiments occupy a very important position in China's food culture. Condiments are also esse
韩国CHA Bio集团以干细胞研究力量为基础,定位为抗衰老系列产品圣地,备受关注。以CHA医院和CHA医科大学为代表的韩国CHA Bio集团拥有多年研究而积累的生命科学技术力量。韩国CHA Bio集团志向于以此为基础,成为干细胞研究的领军人物。
因连日持续的雾霾天气,为隔离细小颗粒物而推出的“抗衰老”化妆品正备受关注。韩国Cheongsan E&C公司推出的LAZEALL品牌就是其中之一。韩国LAZEALL是通过隔离细小颗粒物实现肌肤护理,营养供和镇静肌肤作用的防细微灰尘化妆品专门品牌。